The REAL Change Project Production/Post-Production REAL Change – Artists for Education TV Special aired Nationally on April 23rd 2013. REAL Change TV Special is designed to celebrate, complement, and raise awareness for the amazing non-profits that will be featured in the TV Special. REAL Change Productions « Projects


[content_block  max_bg_width=”yes” bg_fixed=”yes” bg_position=”center top” bg_repeat=”repeat-x” parallax_scroll=”no” bg_color=”#292929″ content_padding=”15px 0″ font_color=”#FFFFFF” class=”class-name”][/content_block] DecoBike App App Development/Production RCP built an application and created a map signaling location of kiosks in both Miami and Long Island, where Deco Bike operates. We also generated instructional videos on how Deco Bike works. CLIENT: DecoBike « Projects

Waldan International

[content_block  max_bg_width=”yes” bg_fixed=”yes” bg_position=”center top” bg_repeat=”repeat-x” parallax_scroll=”no” bg_color=”#292929″ content_padding=”15px 0″ font_color=”#FFFFFF” class=”class-name”][/content_block] Waldan International Marketing & Branding/Web Design/ Production/Post-Production/Photography/App Development REAL Change Productions worked with Waldan International, a Swiss luxury watch company, to re-launch and restructure the brand through website and application creation, image consultation and magazine ad design. We also worked with promoters LLG […]